Details of a Ketogenic Diet
What is ketogenic?
Ketogenic is the description of the state of one who is in ketosis. Ketosis is a condition in which levels of ketones, or ketone bodies, in the blood are elevated. Ketones are formed when glycogen stores in the liver have run out. If there is very little carbohydrate in the diet, the liver converts fat into fatty acids and ketone bodies. When the body is in ketosis the individual tends to feel less hungry, and will probably eat less than one might otherwise do. The body switches from being a carbohydrate-burning organism into a fat-burning one. The fat stores become a primary energy source, and the person can potentially lose weight or heal from other imbalances such as cancer.
In addition to benefits of having ketones in the body, the reduced hunger means less food consumption as well as lower calorie consumption, which studies are showing both are conditions for longevity and better ability to heal.
We need proteins and fats for building and repairing tissue and cells - proteins and fats can also be sources of energy. If necessary, the body can get all its energy from fats and proteins. Cancer patients need to keep this in mind because excessive protein coupled with very low carbohydrates can cause the body to convert protein into sugars. Carbohydrates are the easiest fuel source for the body to convert but it also is the easiest fuel to ingest so when we eat too much excess will be stored as fat.
The Live Plant Based Ketogenic diet is based on research that shows that reducing carbohydrates by replacing them with high fat will take away cancers food, glucose. By increasing healthy live plant based fat consumption to 70-80% while dropping carbohydrate consumption to 12 grams of net carbs per day, cancer will not have the fuel it needs to continue to grow.
Along with carbohydrate restriction, to accomplish this goal, calorie and protein restriction must accompany the process. On a live plant based ketogenic diet (LPB Ketogenic diet), calorie restriction is not difficult and protein typically falls into place between 8 and 12%. Contrary to popular belief, live plant based diets are high in protein and these proteins are much more available and easy for the body to use. When balancing the net carbs the protein naturally balances.
Example Day of Food on a LPB Ketogenic Diet:
In grams; F-Fat/NC -Net Carbs/P -Protein/C -Calories
1. MORE Chia porridge: F-47/NC-5/P-12/C-562
2. 2 Celery w/1/4c Almond butter: F-32/NC-5/P-15/C-406
3. Coconut oil & Spirulina/Chlorella Tablets: F-14/NC-0.1/P-2/C-133
4. Kelp Noodles w/Thai Sauce: F-35/NC-2/P-16/C-411
5. 1/4c Sacha Inchi seeds: F-14/NC-0/P-0.2/C-178
TOTALS: F-142/NC-12/P-45/C-1690
With this example you see that there is still 45 grams of protein being consumed, which is 11% of the total calories. This is the high end of the healthy range of protein intake. Please read T.Colin Campbell’s, “The China Study” for details on studies showing that the 20% protein intake prescribed in America can turn on cancer cell production at the DNA level while 10% turns it off.
This diet not only starves out the cancer but helps shut down cancer production at the DNA level. Additional benefits include reduction in inflammation and water retention.
You can have ketones but not be in ketosis. If your glucose readings are above 90 you are still consuming too many carbs and may need to water fast or reduce your carbohydrate intake further until your blood sugar (glucose) stabilizes between 50 and 80. With glucose at this level it will become easier to attain 2.5 - 3 mmol/l ketone readings.
Why should we be ketogenic?
Epilepsy -
According to The Epilepsy Foundation, when carefully monitored, the Ketogenic Diet has been shown to help over 60% of children who tried it. In fact, in one third of cases seizures stopped completely.
Weight loss -
If our body is in carb-burning mode, we eat when carbohydrate levels drop in order to get our energy. To reach ketosis, the body must be on a high fat/protein and low carbohydrate diet.
Anti-cancer benefits -
Glucose is cancers primary food while fructose (fruit sugar) has been shown to cause cancer to multiply rapidly. By reducing the amount of carbohydrates consumed to 12 grams of net carbohydrates per day while increasing the amount of healthy fats, the choices of carbohydrates automatically is shifted to complex carbohydrates such as fibrous vegetables. This offers an environment not friendly to support cancer and cancer will no longer have the fuel it needs to survive. Thus a ketogenic diet will starve cancer out. Furthermore, a live plant based ketogenic diet will not damage any other organs or systems of the body but instead will continue to help heal any other imbalances that may be present such as diabetes and heart issues.
What is difference from juice fasting or green fasting?
Both Juice fasting and green fasting involve high amounts of carbohydrates and no fat. These types of cleansing choices are completely opposite of the Live Plant Based Ketogenic diet and any type of ketogenic diet. Ketogenic is high fat low carb while the fasting is zero fat all carbohydrates.
It is not to say that these types of cleansing protocols aren’t effective. They have their place but with cancer we want to avoid as much excessive carbohydrates as possible until cancer is fully released from the body.
Who should do or not to do the Ketogenic Diet?
If ketosis has already been established for a woman, it may be safe for her to continue no matter her condition such as pregnancy. As long as she is eating enough to provide growth tools to her unborn child, they will be safe. During pregnancy it would make sense that she could consume a higher amount of carbohydrate calories and remain in ketosis. There is no data to confirm these speculation and the guidance of a doctor is suggested.
Athletes and other types of people, such as Vegans, would also be able to consume higher amounts of carbohydrate fuel and remain in ketosis. This type of diet is so new to our current experience we don’t have exact answers so following this diet in conjunction with medical support is important.
How do we know that we are ketogenic?
There are several ways to measure ketone levels in the body. There is the urine test as well as the blood test. The urine tests are only accurate up to about 1.0 while using a glucose/ketone blood test meter can measure total ketones in the blood. I recommend the second option as reaching a level of 2.5 to 3.0 mmol/L is ideal to achieve desired results.
After about a month of ketosis, one will be able to feel accurately in their body whether they are in ketosis or not.
Lower levels of glucose are part of the cancer treatment goal along with higher ketone levels. Once ketone levels of 2.5 mmol/L or higher are obtained, blood glucose levels in the 50-80 mg/dl are better tolerated without the feel of hypoglycemia as neurons and other somatic cells have ketone bodies as a source from which to obtain metabolic energy.
What is the average duration to be ketogenic?
Upon investigation of others who have experimented with ketosis, it would appear that it can take about 1 - 2 months for the average male and about 3 months for the average female to adjust and stay balanced on the ketogenic diet. It really depends on your health goals as to how long you will want to stay ketogenic. It is very important to understand your body’s messages as well diagnostic testing (for things like cancer) to determine how long you want to be on the diet. I personally felt the best I’ve ever felt while on the ketogenic diet and plan to reestablish ketosis after my travels.
Upon investigation of the historical human, it would appear that we were ketogenic either seasonally or during times of lack of a consistent food supply. If we stored food for the winter it would have been typically higher fat and lower carbohydrates.
During most of the time that humans have existed, we have been a hunter-gatherer species and have lived primarily in a ketogenic state for extended periods.
There are many documented cases of human societies today that exist in a long-term ketogenic state. After a 2 to 4 week period of adaptation, human physical endurance is not affected by ketosis, according to studies - meaning that we do not necessarily need a high carbohydrate intake in order to replace depleted glycogen stores for exercise. This makes the argument more compelling that, in fact, we are designed to thrive at certain levels of ketosis.
How often it is recommended to be ketogenic?
Again, it is up to you to try it intermittently or for an extended amount of time. I suggest you experiment with it. There are many conditions in which you may notice your body goes out of ketosis on it’s own such as stressful situation or hormone changes in the body which act as stressors on the body. This can help you understand how your body functions under many conditions which can help you treat your body better.
What are the steps to get Ketogenic?
If you have blood sugar problems like diabetes or hypoglycemia, proceed slowly in reducing Net Carbohydrate intake over several days until the 12 grams of net carbohydrates is achieved. If you are under a doctor’s guidance, water fasting may be appropriate for 2-3 days to quickly get into a ketogenic state.
If you have no health imbalances, proceed with either a 2 day water fast or dive right into eating ketogenic foods from the recipe list. Check you ketone levels daily with the Glucose/Ketone meter until you are staying between 2.5 and 3 mmol/L.
For Cancer patients, a 2-3 day water fast may be useful in initiating the KD as it helps to get the ketones up more quickly to levels which can give adequate metabolic energy to cells as the glucose levels decline. During fine tuning phases of the diet, changes to medications and supplements should be overseen by the physician and drastic changes are best avoided except adding bicarbonate if needed.
For all: Monitoring is best timed as first thing in the morning before any caloric intake, and 2 hours after lunch and 2 hours after supper to ensure the individual is maintaining adequate ketone levels with which to operate metabolically. These are also times when glucose testing is done to be sure the glucose levels are low enough to restrict glucose availability so as not to promote tumor growth.
What are potential side effects to expect and how to correct them?
As the body switches fuel sources, glucose will be converted to ketones as the body’s main source of energy. The brain uses the most glucose of any organ of the body. The ketone bodies pass into the brain and replace glucose as an energy source. This may initially cause some cognitive imbalance but after the switch is complete the brain will have more fuel available to it allowing a more steady energy throughout the day.
If one does not have enough stores of minerals in the liver and other tissues,
Women who are still menstruating may notice it difficult to stay ketogenic during hormone changes. Do the best you can to eat 100% ketogenic, reduce stress as much as possible, and do not over exercise. Exercise may even be best to leave out until the cycle has finished and you are ketogenic again.
These side effects are more common in the initial week of the ketogenic diet. Many side effects can be avoided or alleviated by making changes in the diet.
● Early satiety
● constipation
● vomiting
● diarrhea
● worsening of gastro-esophageal reflux
● renal stones (typically only occur with the omnivorous Ketogenic diet
● excess ketosis and ketoacidosis
● drowsiness
Are there any negative effect of being ketogenic?
If glucose cannot be broken down, as may be the case if the insulin levels are too low, or if there is a lack of glucose, then the body has to break down stored fat and convert it into energy. Metabolizing fat raises blood ketone levels, leading to ketosis. Ketosis can occur with Type 1 diabetes (not enough insulin), alcoholism, starvation, and with a low-carb, high fat/protein diet.
Ketones consist of acetone, acetoacetate or beta-hydroxybutyrate. Very high ketone levels can be toxic, making the blood more acid, and may damage such organs as the kidneys and liver.
The human body tries to lower acetone (a ketone) levels by breathing it out, causing a sweet and fruity breath. We also reduce ketone levels by expelling them through our urine.
There are certain risks on sustaining a prolonged high protein, low carbohydrate diet, which are the animal based ketogenic diets. If ketone levels are not monitored properly, there may be a strain on the kidneys and a higher risk of developing kidney stones, some doctors say.
However, researchers from Indiana University School of Medicine reported in the Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology that low-carb diets do not cause any noticeable harm to the kidneys. The plant based ketogenic diet is low-carb and low-protein.
Long-term animal based ketogenic diets have been associated with a higher risk of osteoporosis, especially among postmenopausal women. This makes sense because of the acid formation from eating animal flesh and dairy products typically found in these diets.
What are the difference of being ketogenic by animal based diet or plant base diet?
Plant based ketogenic diet is the only one I can personally recommend based on the research and experience with cancer patients on an animal based ketogenic diet.
Animal based negative effects: The Ketogenic Diet may have some side effects, including dehydration, constipation, liver congestion, and occasionally kidney (renal) stones or gallstones. There are some other side effects, all of which make careful monitoring important if you choose an animal based ketogenic diet.
What are the main food items for ketogenic diet and why?
For the live plant based ketogenic diet, coconut and palm oils will aid in the production of ketones the most as they are both MCT’s (medium chain triglycerides) that convert directly to ketones in the liver.
Other foods to consume are most nuts (Brazil, Almond, Pecan, etc.) and seeds (Pumpkin, Sesame, Sunflower, etc.) as well as most oils including Olive oil, Avocado oil, Sacha Inchi, Hemp oil, flax oil, etc.
All foods and food ingredients must be consumed in their raw uncooked state to ensure maximum nutrients, effectiveness, and digestibility.
To ensure adequate consumption of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and other vital micronutrients, suggestions for nutrient dense foods such as Broccoli and Alfalfa sprouts, spirulina and chlorella tablets, and other super food powders should be added to this diet daily. The suggestions within the program guidelines give impacting net carbs per serving and these foods have low net carbs. For example, 10 spirulina/chlorella tablets have 0.1g net carbohydrates.
Where are the ketogenic diet application best practices in the world?
Because this specific diet is so new, there are no places in the world, at this time, that have any data on best practices. This diet was developed by Andrea Lambert at An Oasis of Healing. They are the only place in the world with this information. They have overseen a few patients on this diet to date but there isn’t enough data to establish a conclusive result as of yet. The information they do have suggests that those on a animal based ketogenic diet end up with liver issues further complicating healing from cancer. The animal testing on the low calorie animal based ketogenic diet is showing that cancer can be released but it must be low calorie, low protein, and low carbohydrate.
Ketogenic Diet - SUMMARY
Tools Needed for Ketogenic Diet:
1. Glucose/Ketone monitor and test strips
2. Joyce Chen’s Saladacco Spiralizer (makes the angel hair pasta)
3. Vitamix blender or other high speed blenders
4. Food processor (Kitchenaid is the best)
5. Excalibur Food dehydrator 9-tray with 9 mesh sheets and 9 teflex sheets
6. Plenty of nuts, seeds, and avocados
7. Consume extra Himalayan or Celtic salt for added minerals
8. Kitchen measurement cup. 250 ml = 1 cup = ¼ liter
Daily Plan:
1. 5:30am or upon waking: drink 1 liter of pure water
2. 5:45am or 30 minutes later: drink 250 milliliters pure water with juice of ½ a lemon and ¼ teaspoon of Himalayan salt
3. 6:00am: 10 minutes Turbulence Training (20 second high intensity with 10 second rest. Run/Walk, repeat for about 10 minutes) plus up to 35 minutes relaxed walking per day.
4. 6:30am: Flush and Enema: Hopefully a bowel movement has happened but even if it hasn’t start with the Saline flush (saline is the mixture of water and salt similar to our body fluids). Prepare enema bag and bathroom area for the saline flush followed by a coffee enema (see reminder section below for summary to prepare saline and coffee). Take the saline flush taking in as much saline water as possible before releasing it into the toilet. After the saline is used put coffee in the enema bag and take in the coffee. Hold the coffee in the rectum for 20 minutes and release it into the toilet.
5. 7:30am: Take 1 scoop probiotic powder on an empty stomach followed by skin brushing (see skin brushing diagram) and shower.
6. 8:00am Breakfast: Select from Breakfast list below (include digestive enzymes and any other supplements you’d take with food)
7. 8:30am Education: Read for 30 minutes or watch an educational documentary such as “Eating.”
8. 10:00am Test ketone (green strip) and glucose/blood sugar (blue strip) about 2 hours after any meal.
9. 10:15 Snack: Select from snack items below. Take 1 - 2 digestive enzyme pills.
10. 12:00pm Lunch: Select from lunch/dinner items below (include digestive enzymes and any other supplements you’d take with food)
11. 2:00pm Snack: Select from snack items below. Take 1 - 2 digestive enzyme pills.
12. 4:00pm Do another coffee enema if you like followed by a Wheatgrass implant or just do the Wheatgrass implant. (See reminder section below)
13. 5:00pm Dinner: Select from lunch/dinner items below (include digestive enzymes and any other supplements you’d take with food). Finish dinner by 6pm. Any drinks from Drink items (except nut milk) are allowed until bedtime. Complete dinner by 6pm.
14. 8:45pm Just before bed: Take 2 Super II pills.
15. 9:00pm: Bifida Probiotic rectal enema in bed. (See reminder section below)
1. Daily goal: 12g Net carbohydrates maximum
2. Ketone limits: more than 1 but less than 6, 2.5 is ideal
3. Sprout preparation: Soak 2 teaspoons of sprout seeds for about 2 days changing soak water 1 - 2 times per day. Don’t drink the soak water*. Leave water out and allow seeds to sprout into a plant for another 2 - 3 days. Keep refrigerated after they are grown. Use these sprouts within 3 - 4 days.
a. *Don’t drink soak water because it contains the enzyme inhibitors and phytates that disrupt the digestive system.
4. Saline Flush: Prepare the night before to allow it to dissolve. Mix 4 teaspoons of Himalayan Pink salt in 2 liters of pure water.
5. Coffee preparation for coffee enema: Bring ¾ liter of water to a boil. Add 1 tablespoon of organic light roast (not dark or double roasted) or green ground coffee and reduce heat to a simmer. Simmer for about 20 minutes, remove from heat, and cool. Filter out coffee grounds with a nut milk bag and pour one cup of the coffee into enema bag for coffee enema. Hold coffee in rectum for 20 minutes and release into the toilet.
6. Wheatgrass Implant: Get 60ml wheatgrass juice into the injector. Inject into rectum and retain the wheatgrass as long as possible. Eventually it will completely absorb into the colon.
7. Bifida Implant: Dissolve 1 tsp Bifida probiotic powder in 50 mls of water. Get into injector and inject into rectum while in bed. Go to sleep.
8. Adding extras, like garlic and onion, these have carbohydrates that can affect your Ketone levels (12g limit). Start off following recipes until you understand how these carbohydrates affect your ketone levels. Once you are staying at least 2.5 (Ketones), go ahead and start adding small amounts of ingredients like garlic and onion. Test your ketone levels about 1 hour after eating these higher carbohydrate foods. Look at the nutrient profile to see how many carbohydrates are in each of the foods you want to add and try. Be sure to test your ketone levels as the addition of ANY carbohydrate food can affect your ketone levels.
9. doTerra Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade Essential oils: Grapefruit for liver and congestion, DDR is DNA Damage Repair, Frankincense helps cell differentiation and repair and is anti-aging. On-Guard is a protective blend that helps fight microbes like an antibiotic but it only harms the bad bacteria. Lemon helps dissolve plastics. DigestZen helps the digestive system settle down and heal. Wild orange oil help with uplifting moods and reduce pain. Lavender helps calm the mind and body to sleep deeply. Lime acts the same as lemon but is also a good combination with lemon in the Calm Drink (see under drinks). Grapefruit and orange are another great flavor combination.
10. Stevia sweetener and prepackaged Sacha Inchi Seeds have zero net carbs. Feel free to consume enough to remove hunger but do not over consume them unless you are extremely underweight. Low carbohydrate, low protein, and low calorie will help you release cancer faster.
Meal Plan:
A. Drinks:
1. Water (no net carbs)
2. Herbal tea (no net carbs)
3. Green2O - Mint or Lemon flavor (no net carbs)
4. *CALM PLUS CALCIUM with doTerra Essentials (no net carbs)
1. 1-3 tablespoons Calm plus Calcium (work up from 1 to 3 tablespoons)
2. 2 drops each of any combination of doTerra essential oils, grapefruit/orange, lemon/lime, etc.
3. Stevia to taste
4. 1 liter filtered water
*magnesium is the major mineral lost with ketogenic diet so we need to replace daily. (Order doTerra Essentials through internet wholesale: - shipment through Unal or Andrea Lambert)
5. Nut Milk
2 cups coconut flakes or any nut like almonds or Brazil nuts
5 cups of water
1. Add coconut flakes and 3 cups of water and blend for about a minute or until the liquid starts to feel warm if you are using a high speed blender.
2. Add remaining water and blend for a few seconds then pour through a nut milk bag and squeeze out the liquid.
*Almond milk is 3 net carbs per 225ml’s, Coconut milk is 4 net carbs per 225ml’s
B. Breakfast Options:
1. Sprout and Avo Mashup (ketogenic) 1.8g net carbs
1 avocado
½ cup broccoli sprouts
Spices like Himalayan salt and garlic powder
1. Mash an avocado into the sprouts and mix in spices, enjoy!
2. Avocado Snack (ketogenic) 3g net carbs
1 avocado cut in half (seed removed)
1 tablespoon Rawmesan
1. Cut avocado in half and sprinkle Rawmesan on top, Enjoy!
3. Simple Strawberry Smoothie (ketogenic) 3.43g net carbs for ½ recipe
6 strawberries
1 cup spinach
2 tablespoons coconut oil
¼ cup almonds
1. Blend all ingredients in the blender with about 1 cup of water until well blended.
2. Add more water to desired thickness and enjoy!
4. Walnut Pate Wraps (ketogenic) 2g net carbs per wrap
2 tablespoons any Pate on the list (Walnut Pate - see under Lunch/Dinner options below)
1 leaf of Grape leaves, Cabbage, lettuce leaf, kale, spinach, or raw nori seaweed
1. Spread pate onto leaf and roll up
5. Chia Porridge (ketogenic) 5.3g net carbs
2 tablespoons ground Chia seeds
½ - 1 cup Brazil or other nut milk
Stevia to sweeten (example 12 drops Vanilla Stevia)
Himalayan salt and Cinnamon to taste
Optional: 1 tablespoon Coconut Oil or Coconut Butter (YUM!)
1. Mix chia and nut milk in a bowl until it thickens
2. Top with sweetener and other toppings
6. Breakfast Bars (ketogenic) 3g net carbs per 56ml (¼ cup)
2 cups almonds
1 cup walnuts
¼ cup flax seeds
1 cup berry mix (strawberries and blueberries)
1. blend nuts in food processor until meal like.
2. Add whole flax and berries and blend until well mixed.
3. Form onto teflex sheet and dehydrate at 41oC for a couple hours then flip onto mesh and continue to dehydrate until desired dryness.
7. Faux (Fake) Eggs (ketogenic) 2.9g net carbs per ¼ cup
½ cup Cashews
½ cup Brazil nuts
½ cup Macadamia nuts
2 tablespoons ground chia seed or ground flax seed, gelled
¼ cup lemon juice
1 tablespoon Turmeric
1 tsp Himalayan salt
1.5 cups warm water
1. Grind chia and mix with ½ cup water to gel it. OR mix ¼ cup of irish moss with 1 cup of water and blend in high speed blender until gelled (about 2 minutes).
2. Grind nuts in food processor until meal like.
3. Combine all ingredients in the food processor and mix well.
4. Place in dehydrator at 41oC for about 30 minutes and serve warm from dehydrator.
C. Snack Options:
1. Walnut Pate Wraps (ketogenic)
2g net carbs per wrap
2 tablespoons any Pate on the list (Walnut Pate)
1 leaf of Grape leaves, Cabbage, lettuce leaf, or raw nori seaweed
1. Spread pate onto leaf and roll up
2. Dehydrate for about 2 days for a portable snack
2. Sprout and Avo Mashup (ketogenic)
1.8g net carbs
1 avocado
½ cup broccoli sprouts
Spices like Himalayan salt and garlic powder
1. Mash an avocado into the sprouts and mix in spices, enjoy!
3. Avocado Snack (ketogenic)
3g net carbs
1 avocado cut in half (seed removed)
1 tablespoon Rawmesan
1. Cut avocado in half and sprinkle Rawmesan on top, Enjoy!
4. Stuffed Peppers (ketogenic)
4g net carbs per ½ piece
½ red bell pepper
2 tablespoon Pumpkin Seed Cheese
1. Cut peppers in half so they lay flat and take seeds and white pith out.
2. Spoon 2 tablespoons of the Pumpkin Seed Cheese into the pepper half and place on dehydrator sheet.
3. Dehydrate for about 12 hours or until the peppers soften.
5. Pumpkin Seed CheeZe (ketogenic)
3.9g net carbs for 2 tablespoons
2 cups Cashews, soak 4 hours
1 cup Pumpkin seeds, soak 4 hours
½ of a lemon, peeled
2 tablespoons onion or shallot
2 tablespoons Avocado, Coconut, Palm, or Olive oil
3 cloves garlic
1 teaspoon Celtic salt
1. Add all ingredients to a high speed blender adding cashews and pumpkin seeds last.
2. Blend, adding water as needed, until smooth and creamy. Be careful to not over blend in a high speed blender creating too much heat.
Option 1: To ferment the cheese, add the powder from 2 probiotic capsules to the finished cheese mixture. Either blend in the blender for about 20 seconds or mix by hand. Pour into a nut milk bag and hang it for 2-3 days. Taste after 2 days to see if it is tangy and finished. If it’s still a bit sweet continue to ferment until tangy.
Option 2 Dehydrated Cheese: Place one tablespoon full of the cheese onto teflex dehydrator sheets and place in dehydrator for about 8-12 hours at 41oC. Flip cheese onto mesh and continue to dehydrate until crispy on outside. 2 cheese puffs equals 3.9g net carbs.
6. Sacha Inchi Seeds (very ketogenic) - Zero net carbs
*Prepackaged food item that you can eat as much as you need to remove hunger.
7. Spiced Nuts (ketogenic)
2.07g net carbs per ¼ cup
2 c Walnuts (soak overnight)
2 c Almonds (soak overnight)
1 c Pumpkin seeds (soak overnight)
1 c Sunflower seeds (soak overnight)
¼ c flax seeds, ground unsoaked
¼ - ½ c pure water
2 Tbls of various spices; basil, parsley, oregano, thyme, Italian blend, doTerra oils, etc.
1. Soak nuts over night.
2. Drain water off and rinse nuts.
3. Grind ¼ cup of flax seeds, put into a bowl, add spices and 125 mL of water. MIx until thickens.
4. Add soaked nuts to flaxseed mixture and mix until all nuts are coated
5. Spread onto dehydrator sheet and dehydrate at 41oC until crispy.
D. Lunch/Dinner Options:
1. Walnut Pate (ketogenic)
2.7g net carbs per ¼ cup
2 cups walnuts
2 ribs celery
2 scallions
1 red bell pepper
1 tsp Himalayan Pink Salt or Celtic Salt
1. Food process all ingredients until well blended, Enjoy!
2. Raw Nori Rolls (slightly ketogenic)
2.54g net carbs per ½ a roll
1 batch Walnut Pate
Raw Nori Seaweed sheets
1 cucumber, thin slices
1 avocado, sliced
1 carrot shredded
-Wasabi powder
-Coconut Aminos
1. Spread ¼ cup of walnut pate onto nori sheet. Add a few slices of cucumber, avocado and carrot.
2. Roll and slice into bite sized pieces.
3. Mix wasabi and coconut aminos for dipping.
3. SImple Flax Crackers (slightly ketogenic)
3.85g net carbs per 2 crackers (equivalent to about ¼ cup)
2 cups ground or whole flax
1 onion, diced
½ bunch parsley, chopped
1 carrot shredded
1 teaspoon black pepper
2 teaspoons Celtic salt
2-3 cups pure water
1. Mix all ingredients in a large bowl with water and mix until it thickens enough to spread onto teflex sheets.
2. Dehydrate for about 8 hour at 41oC.
3. Flip onto mesh sheet, score the crackers so they break easily once dried, and continue to dehydrate until crisp.
4. About 2 crackers that are about 3 inches by 3 inches can be eaten with an avocado on a ketogenic diet.
4. Avocado and flax crackers (ketogenic)
4.85g net carbs
1 avocado
2 Simple Flax Crackers
1. Spread avocado onto flax crackers
5. Broccoli Soup (ketogenic)
2.8g net carbs per ½ cup
3 cups almond or Brazil nut milk
2 cups Broccoli
1 lemon (remove skin)
2 tablespoons onion or shallot
1 tablespoon coconut oil
1 tablespoon Palm oil
1 teaspoon Celtic or Himalayan salt
1 avocado
1. Blend all ingredients except Avocado in blender until well blended.
2. Add avocado and blend for another couple seconds until blended
6. Creamy Onion Dressing (ketogenic)
3.78g net carbs per ¼ cup
½ cup Yellow onion
1 cup Macadamia nuts (soak 3 days, rinse daily)
1 whole zucchini
1 tablespoon Coconut aminos
1 tablespoon olive oil
¼ of a lemon, peeled
1 tablespoon Coconut Nectar
1. Blend all ingredients in blender until smooth and creamy, enjoy!
7. Pad Thai Sauce with Kelp Noodles (ketogenic)
1.83g net carbs per ¼ cup Sauce, no limit on noodles
1 cup coconut milk (made from flakes)
2 tablespoons Raw almond butter
¼ cup Macadamia nuts
¼ cup Coconut oil
1 teaspoon jalapeno pepper
1 tablespoon fresh ginger
2 tablespoons Coconut aminos
1 tablespoon organic Chickpea miso or other light unpasteurized miso
1 teaspoon garlic
½ a lime, peeled
1 date, pitted
½ teaspoon cayenne pepper
1. Make coconut milk and add 1 cup to the blender.
2. Add remaining ingredients and blend until creamy and smooth.
3. Mix ¼ cup of sauce with ½ to 1 cup of kelp noodles, Enjoy!
8. Almond Butter Sauce with Kelp Noodles (ketogenic)
3.7g net carbs per 2 tablespoons
¼ cup raw almond butter
¼ cup Coconut aminos
1 tablespoon Palm oil
1 tablespoon Sesame oil
1 tablespoon Coconut Vinegar
1 tablespoon Coconut Nectar
1 clove garlic
½ teaspoon ginger, ground
1. Blend all ingredients in blender until smooth and creamy.
2. Mix 2 tablespoons with ½ cup kelp noodles, Enjoy!
9. Taco Crumble Taco’s (ketogenic)
4.7g net carbs per ¼ cup
2 cups walnuts
2 cups almonds
¼ cup Coconut aminos
5 teaspoons Cumin, ground
1 teaspoon garlic powder
1 teaspoon chili powder
1 teaspoon Celtic salt
½ teaspoon white pepper
1.5 teaspoon coriander, ground
Small cabbage bowls
1. Grind nuts in food processor until meal like.
2. add remaining ingredients and blend until well mixed.
3. Spoon ¼ cup of mixture into a small cabbage leaf and enjoy!
10. Angel Hair Pasta Marinara (not ketogenic)
3-4 zucchini’s
2 ½ cups tomatoes
12 sun-dried tomatoes, soaked
3 dates, pitted, soaked
¼ cup olive oil
4 cloves garlic
2 tbls parsley (3X’s fresh)
1 tsp sea salt
1/8 tsp cayenne
1. Spiralize zucchini with Joyce Chen’s Saladaco Spirulizer. Pour into large bowl.
2. Place the rest of the ingredients in food processor and blend until smooth.
3. Pour over zucchini (angel hair pasta) and serve.
4. Store refrigerated in airtight container for up to a week.
11. Pizza (not ketogenic)
2 cups ground flax seeds (not soaked)
1/2 cup onion
2 celery stalks
1 carrot
1 large tomato
2 large cloves garlic
1 teaspoon sea salt
1/2 cup water
Creamy Cheddar Cheese:
1/2 cup pine nuts
1/2 cup macadamia nuts
1/2 cup sunflower seeds
1 1/2 cups red bell pepper
1/2 peeled lemon
2 cloves garlic
1 Tablespoon Bragg liquid aminos
Marinara Sauce:
2 1/2 cups tomatoes
12 sun dried tomatoes, soaked
3 dates, pitted and soaked
1/4 cup olive oil
4 cloves garlic
2 Tablespoons parsley (optional)
1/8 teaspoon cayenne
1 teaspoon sea salt
Toppings: Any assorted vegetables of your choice. I like to use avocado, mushrooms, spinach, onions, etc…
For Crust: Combine all ingredients for whichever crust recipe you are using in a food processor until well blended and smooth. Remove from processor and place on a Teflex sheet on top of a mesh dehydrator screen. Smooth crust into 1/4 inch thick large circle. Make the edge of the circle a bit thicker, like a pizza crust would be. Dehydrate crust for 2 hours at 41oC, then flip off of Teflex sheet and onto mesh dehydrator screen and dehydrate for another couple of hours until firm but not hard or crispy.
For Cheese: In a food processor, blend the cheese ingredients until smooth and creamy.
For Sauce: In a food processor, blend the tomato sauce ingredients until smooth.
To Assemble: Remove crust from the dehydrator and flip the crust back to its original side before topping so you have the thick outer crust that you molded facing upward. Spread cheese sauce over the pizza crust. (Leave a 1/4 inch of space near the edges of the crust.) Pour marinara sauce over the cheese on the crust. Top with your favorite toppings. Place pizza back into the dehydrator and dehydrate at 41oC for 6-10 hours depending on desired texture.
12. Cheesy Pasta (not ketogenic)
1 box of either Red Lentil Pasta or Black Bean Pasta
Cheesy Sauce
1 cup sunflower seeds
1T chickpea miso (or Coconut amino’s)
1 Tomato
2 cloves garlic
1/2 a lemon
1 red bell pepper
1 tsp salt
1/4 c water
1. Soak pasta in pure water for about 6-8 hours until soft then drain off the water.
2. Blend remaining ingredients in either the food processor or blender until smooth.
3. Add cheesy sauce to pasta, mix well and enjoy.
13. Chia Brownies (not ketogenic)
1 cup each pecans and walnuts
1 cup packed Medjool dates, pitted
1/2 cup raw Cacao powder
4 Tbls Chia seeds, ground
2 tsp vanilla extract (Frontier glycerin based is best choice)
1/4 tsp Himalayan salt
1 tsp cinnamon
2 tsp water (or more if needed)
Shredded unsulphured coconut (optional)
1. Process nuts in food processor until finely ground.
2. Add remaining ingredients except water and blend until mixture begins to stick together.
3. Add water gradually until mixture is sticky.
4. Spread into a pan and refrigerate or roll into balls and in the shredded coconut.
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